No-Cost and Confidential Women's Clinic
Palm Beach Women's Clinic
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Is Abortion My Only Option If I Don’t Have Any Money?

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can feel overwhelming. Maybe it seems like abortion is your only option because of the financial responsibility of parenting, or you’re wondering about what expenses may be involved in the adoption process. However, you may be surprised to learn that resources are available to support you and lighten the financial

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Understanding Abortion Risks and Their Implications

You may be considering abortion as an option for dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. In that case, it’s important to understand the details of the procedure, the risks involved, and any long-term implications. All this information will help you make the best decision for your health and future. Types of Abortion and Risks Associated There

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How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering your options, you may be wondering if the abortion pill is for you. For the sake of protecting your health, it’s crucial to understand how the abortion pill works, what potential risks there are, as well as the limitations of the procedure. How the Abortion Pill

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I Don’t Want Another Abortion

Know abortion isn’t the choice for you, but facing an unplanned pregnancy and not sure what to do? We understand the need to plan your next step and find the answer you’re looking for that provides you with peace of mind and confidence. In this blog post, we’ll explore your other options and what might

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My Partner Is Pressuring Me To Have An Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

Just found out you’re expecting and unsure what to do next? You’re not alone; many women feel this way. In this blog post, we’ll explore your options and assist you in understanding how to proceed forward! Not Sure How To Feel? Many women who unexpectedly find out they’re pregnant can have many different emotions surface—confusion,

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Can I Get the Abortion Pill by Mail?

In some states, getting the abortion pill through the mail is legal. In others, like Florida, physicians could be fined or lose their licenses if they offer these drugs without an in-person visit. Basically, the state you live in determines how you access abortion.    Whether you’re considering an in-person doctor’s visit or ordering the

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

For many women, abortion is emotionally tolling and comes at the price of their mental health. If you feel this way, you are not alone. It’s important to know how to recognize signs of mental trauma and take steps towards healing so you can find the path forward. What Is Emotional Trauma? Emotional trauma is

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Is An Online or At-Home Abortion Safe?

Some women contemplating an online or at-home abortion may wonder if there are health effects associated with this procedure. In addition to complications that could arise, the Mayo Clinic does state these are risks related to this type of abortion: An incomplete abortion that necessitates a surgical abortion Ongoing pregnancy Abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding

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Can Women Die if They Can’t Have an Abortion?

Some health conditions can be life-threatening to a woman’s health during pregnancy. Those conditions are rare, but if it does occur, doctors will do everything in their power to save the woman’s life, including but not limited to abortion.  Is Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment and Abortion the Same? Though the procedures can be similar, there is

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Can You Still Get an Abortion in FL?

Although the abortion law has changed, you can still get an abortion in Florida. Many news articles declared the overturning of Roe v. Wade meant women no longer had a right to abortion.  The truth is the constitution no longer protects abortion at the federal level. Each state is responsible for determining its abortion laws,

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