No-Cost and Confidential Women's Clinic
Palm Beach Women's Clinic
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What Are Signs of Womb Damage After Abortion?

Did you have an abortion, or are you considering one? You should be aware that womb damage is one of the significant risks and a serious complication of abortion.  During a surgical abortion, the provider often uses forceps to remove the pregnancy, and they may also scrape the uterus with a sharp tool to ensure

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Everything You Need to Know About Plan C Pills?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering your options, you may wonder about Plan C. Plan C is a new name for a medical abortion, also commonly called the “abortion pill.” Regardless of what term you use, a medical abortion is a procedure that uses drugs to terminate a viable pregnancy. How Does

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What are the Warning Signs of Infection After Abortion?

If you have recently had an abortion, or are considering an abortion, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects and health risks in order to protect your health and safety.  Both surgical and medical abortions are serious medical procedures that have known risks, which include infection.  Signs of Infection According to the Mayo

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Is Abortion Painful?

The pain felt during an abortion can be different from one woman to another. Several factors will determine the level of pain or discomfort you may feel. Pain Tolerance The first factor that determines the pain level you may experience during an abortion is your pain tolerance. This is different for every woman and your

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What Happens to Your Body After an Abortion?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering an abortion, it’s important to know all the facts in order to make the best decision for your health. There are risks and side effects to an abortion procedure—and those risks can affect both your physical body as well as your mental health. Below are some

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What Is a Missed Period Pill and How Does it Work?

You may have heard the term “Missed Period Pill,” and are wondering what it refers to. Is it an abortion pill or perhaps a form of birth control? A Missed Period Pill is technically an abortion pill that healthcare providers offer to women who have missed a period and are concerned that they might become

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Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Deciding what to do about an unplanned pregnancy can be a challenging and emotional decision.  If you’re contemplating a specific option, such as abortion, you might be wondering whether or not to share your thoughts with your partner. Although there is no legal obligation to consult your partner before undergoing an abortion, it may be

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What is a Medical Abortion?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering your options, you may be wondering about a medical abortion, also known as “the abortion pill”. While a medical abortion is an option for you, it’s important for your health to know all the facts you can about the medication, including any known risks or side

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How Long Does A Surgical Abortion Take?

Surgical abortion procedures typically last a couple of hours from the beginning of medication through the operation. However, this time does not include a pre-op checklist that must be completed before an abortion, which can add additional hours. Florida law also requires that providers perform an ultrasound prior to a surgical or medication abortion. Surgical

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I Don’t Want Another Abortion

Know abortion isn’t the choice for you, but facing an unplanned pregnancy and not sure what to do? We understand the need to plan your next step and find the answer you’re looking for that provides you with peace of mind and confidence. In this blog post, we’ll explore your other options and what might

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