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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

An unplanned pregnancy can disrupt any plans you had for your future. It can make you worry about your relationship with your partner or parents, and may have you questioning how it will impact your career and education plans. Whatever emotions you’re experiencing right now, you are not alone. 

As you are considering your different options, it’s important to keep in mine your current mental health as well as how an abortion could possibly affect your future mental health. Read this article for the underrepresented facts of how abortion can impact your mental health.

Psychological Side Effects of Abortion

While it’s a controversial topic, there are several studies that reveal increased negative mental health as a consequence of terminating a pregnancy. Not every woman experiences these effects immediately (some are experienced years after the fact), but the results can be severe, especially if this is an area where you are already struggling, and are worth considering.

Some potential side effects after an abortion include: 

These are not the only reported side effects experienced by some women who terminate their pregnancies. According to a study conducted over the course of 25 years by medical researcher David Fergusson, women who have undergone an abortion are also likely to experience higher rates of anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and suicidal behaviors. Additionally, Fergusson found that a subset of the women experienced major depression.

Know Your Options

Not everyone who has an abortion will experience these side effects, but if you are seriously considering terminating, make sure that you understand the mental health risks. Abortion is not the only option when it comes to an unplanned pregnancy. 


The two other solutions are parenting and adoption, which have their own advantages and disadvantages as well. There is not a silver bullet when handling an unplanned pregnancy. However, the more knowledge you have, the more confidence and peace you will find about your decision, which is essential for your mental health.

At Palm Beach Women’s Clinic, we offer no-cost ultrasounds and pregnancy testing, where we provide medically accurate information as well as complimentary consultations for you to learn more about your options. You are not alone in this journey, and we are here to help equip and support you!

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