If you are considering abortion for an unexpected pregnancy, you must first take tests and scans. Take the time to get everything you need before you decide. Schedule an appointment with Palm Beach Women’s Clinic where the tests and scans you need are available to you today.
These are three things you will need to before your abortion:
#1 – Take a pregnancy test.
The very first thing you need to do is confirm you are pregnant. A late period is not the only sign of pregnancy. There could be a variety of reasons your period is late. Stress, a hormone imbalance, or weight issues can all affect your menstrual cycle.
It is even possible you could have been pregnant but are experiencing a miscarriage. Research says as many as 20% of pregnancies may end in a miscarriage. The highest percentage of them occur before week six. A woman can have a miscarriage in the early weeks, before even realizing she is pregnant, and it will look like a late period.
It is essential to confirm your pregnancy with lab-quality pregnancy testing even if you have taken an at-home pregnancy test. Sometimes, with home pregnancy tests, there is user error because the directions were not followed thoroughly. Or, the test is taken too soon, which can produce a false-negative test result.
Pregnancy testing at Palm Beach Women’s Clinic can detect a pregnancy as early as 28 days after the first day of your last period. The test is over 99% accurate.
#2 – Schedule an ultrasound.
After determining you are pregnant, the next thing you need is an ultrasound. An ultrasound scan looks at fetal development to determine how many weeks you have been pregnant. Knowing when your pregnancy began is crucial in determining what type of abortion you can have, medical or surgical.
Plus, you will learn if the pregnancy is viable. For a pregnancy to be viable, you need to know if there is a heartbeat and the fetus is growing. Ultrasounds can also determine the location of your pregnancy. While most pregnancies develop in the uterus, there is a chance for an ectopic pregnancy. This means the egg implants itself somewhere other than the uterus, often within a fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is a potentially fatal condition and you will need immediate medical attention if this is the case with your pregnancy.
At Palm Beach Women’s Clinic, we provide limited obstetric ultrasounds after you have received a positive pregnancy test. You can quickly and conveniently get a no-cost pregnancy test and ultrasound scan at our clinic.
#3 – Review all of your options.
The last thing you need to do before scheduling an abortion is to get all the facts. Abortion is a serious medical decision, and you need to thoroughly understand the potential physical and emotional side effects. At Palm Beach Women’s Clinic, we will sit down with you, explain abortion procedures, and discuss other possible options.
Every test, scan, and conversation we have with you is strictly confidential. No one will be notified. We will not share any of your information. You deserve respect and privacy.
Schedule a No-Cost Appointment
If being pregnant right now is not something you expected, do not rush to make an appointment with an abortion clinic. Get the answers you need first from us. We are here for you! Contact us to schedule a no-cost appointment.